Brad DeAngelis

I'm a self taught professional. I still have alot to learn but I'm pasionate about python, programming, using and configuring IT services & other web or server technologies.


I come from a fairly "non-traditional" background in the tech field but at the start of 2020 I realised I wanted to make a big a change in my career. When I found programming I realised I enjoyed it alot & that it's a very important skill to have for a number of reasons. I've always had a passion for computers, wanting to be a "computer technician" ( I don't think that actually exists though ) since I was a kid. All manner of tech is becoming more & more important as the world adopts new web technologies & I wanted to be a valuble asset in the space. My experience is limited, but I am a fast learner & have a passion for programming & IT, especially in coding in python & using linux.


Outside of my current job as an SEO Specialist, I enjoy things like playing video games or watching various forms of video content. Heres a short list of my top games of all time:

  • The Messenger
  • Spryro The Dragon
  • Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
  • Sly Cooper
  • Fallout New Vegas
  • Sekiro, Shadows Die Twice
  • Runescape

Check Out My Projects!

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